A home inspection is a big deal, whether you’re selling your house or buying a new one. The inspector is going to look at everything, from the roof to the foundation, and their findings can have a major impact on the sale. But don’t stress—you can prepare for a home inspection without too much hassle. With a little planning, you can make the process smoother and ensure there are no unnecessary hiccups.

Clean and Declutter Your Home to Prepare for a Home Inspection

First impressions matter, even in a home inspection. While inspectors aren’t judging your housekeeping skills, a clean and clutter-free home makes their job easier. If an inspector has to navigate around piles of boxes or move furniture to reach important areas, it can slow things down. Make sure access points like the attic, basement, electrical panel, water heater, and HVAC system are easy to get to.

Check the Basics Beforehand

You don’t need to be a professional to handle some basic maintenance tasks before the inspection. Walk through your home and check for small issues you can fix yourself. Replace burned-out light bulbs, tighten loose doorknobs, and make sure all doors and windows open and close properly. If you have leaky faucets or slow drains, now is a good time to fix them. Simple repairs like these can prevent minor concerns from piling up on the inspector’s report.

Take Care of Your HVAC System

Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is a big-ticket item on the inspection checklist. Change the air filter before the inspector arrives and make sure vents are clean and unblocked. If your HVAC system is due for maintenance, consider scheduling a service appointment before the inspection. A well-maintained system reassures buyers that they won’t be facing costly repairs down the road.

Address Any Known Issues While You Prepare for a Home Inspection

If you already know there’s a problem with your home, it’s best to take care of it in advance. Roof leaks, plumbing issues, or electrical problems will likely be flagged in the inspection, so if you can, fix them beforehand. If repairs aren’t an option, be upfront about any known issues with the buyer. Providing documentation of past repairs or estimates for needed work can help ease concerns.

Keep Pets Out of the Way

Pets can be a distraction during an inspection. Even if your dog or cat is friendly, it’s best to have them out of the house or safely contained. This ensures the inspector can move freely without worrying about an excited pet getting in the way. If possible, plan to take pets with you when you leave for the inspection.

Be Ready to Leave During the Inspection

Most home inspections take two to three hours. While you might be tempted to stick around, giving the inspector space to do their job is proper etiquette. Buyers often attend inspections, and they’ll feel more comfortable asking questions without the homeowner present. Plan to be out of the house during the inspection and return once it’s complete.

Preparing for a home inspection doesn’t have to be stressful. With a little effort and attention to detail, you can help ensure a positive outcome and keep the selling process on track.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Prepare for a Home Inspection

What does a home inspector look for?

A home inspector examines the structure, roof, electrical systems, plumbing, HVAC, and appliances. They look for signs of damage, safety concerns, and anything needing repair or replacement.

What if the inspector finds problems?

Almost every home inspection will uncover some issues. The key is determining whether they are minor repairs or major concerns. Buyers and sellers typically negotiate repairs or price adjustments based on the findings.

Can I fail a home inspection?

There’s no “pass” or “fail” in a home inspection. The inspector provides a report detailing the home’s condition, and it’s up to the buyer and seller to decide how to proceed with any necessary repairs or negotiations.

Should I get an inspection before listing my home?

Some sellers get a pre-listing inspection to identify potential issues before putting their home on the market. This can help avoid surprises and make the selling process smoother.

Border Home and Property Inspections provides home inspection services to the midwest region of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Contact us to schedule an inspection.