The greatest obstacle of a hot water tank is to overcome the destructive forces of the hot water and the impurities in it. One solution to this problem is to place a sacrificial rod made of manganese in the center of the tank. This rod attracts the impurities in the...
The valve on the side of the hot water tank is called a PRV or pressure relief valve. This valve is designed to open if the pressure in the tank gets too high. If the PRV was not in place the tank can explode with as much force as a bomb. So needless to say the valve...
There are two primary types of plastic I want to talk about, pex and poly B. I was like you once and was concerned that plastic pipe was not going to be as good as copper. I soldered a lot of pipe over the years because I was afraid of change. About 7 years ago I...
If you do not have a backwater valve in your basement plumbing you are subject to all the problems the city may have as a backup can happen at any time. The backwater valve is the only protection between you and the city sewer. When the city has high volumes of water...
A back water valve is what you need. These devices have a flapper valve in them that allow the water to leave the house but close when the city sewer water level tries to come into your home. The problem is that about 50% of these backwater valves fail over time. The...
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