A lot of electrical appliances such as hair dryers have been ruined by trying to run them on a razor plug. The problem is the razor plug has a transformer in it which reduces the electricity down to around 20 watts. Your hair dryer needs a much higher wattage as does...
The best way to describe this device is to say it has a circuit board inside it which is constantly measuring the flow of electrons within the circuit. When one side of the circuit gets out of balance from the other the circuit board detects a fault and trips shutting...
Weather stripping is the most likely biggest draft stop component on a door system. If you have a poor seal you will have drafts. You can check the tightness of the door seals by placing a piece of paper between the door and the weather stripping. If the bill is snug...
The furnace switch is generally located in one of two places, in the utility room near the furnace or in the stairwell to the basement. I suggest you go to a local hardware store and buy the red plate cover with the word “emergency” written on it. This should be...
Shower walls can be very frustrating and hard to keep dry. One problem I see most often is having a window in the shower stall. It is not impossible to keep the water out of the wall but is very difficult. When you consider that amount of moisture around the window it...
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