A tippy toilet is a cousin to a leaking toilet, if left alone it will begin to leak soon. I usually recommend tightening the floor bolts first to see if this helps. A word of caution here, do not over tighten the bolts or you may crack the base of the toilet flange...
Yes you are likely right about the wax seal. I have also seen sweating toiler tanks and leaking tank bolts cause wet floors so have a close look there before removing the toilet. To change the seal start by turning off and disconnect the water supply, hopefully there...
I recently read an article by a prominent inspector that confused this issue as well. My understanding and opinion is that you want to initially seal the tile with a proper deep penetrating grout sealer during the install. There are many polymer type grouts out there...
Tile is a great product and when installed properly will last a very long time. It costs a bit more to install but the initial investment will likely out last other softer products many times over. As you suggested, the base is critical to installing tile. I am not an...
My best guess is that the clicking you hear is the pressure switch. I assume your water pump is in the well or you would hear more than a clicking noise. Each click you hear is the starting and stopping of the pump. The fact that the clicks are close in time, 2 -3...
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