I personally shock my well once a year to keep the bacteria count to a minimum but I have tested wells that have been ten years without a shock treatment and still had no health concerns. None the less I recommend a yearly treatment. The goal is to kill all the...
I have seen shingles that curl due to a manufacturers defect but most often the problem is due to an overheated attic space. I have been in attics that are over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. When the attic is poorly ventilated it creates an air trap and acts more like an...
Ice on a roof can happen naturally with quick changes in the weather but more often than not the problem starts in the attic. When ice forms on the shingles near the eaves it is generally due to heat buildup in the attic that melts the snow on the roof causing ice...
Recently I spent some time in a very wet attic space of a new home. The problem was a lack of adequate venting. Older homes tended to be able to get away with less venting because of the type of construction as there were a lot of drafts throughout the home, newer...
First of all anytime you plan to get off the ground be prepared and don’t work alone if possible. On a low slope roof I generally climb on the roof if possible. Getting a top view of the shingles and roof penetrations is best but if you are afraid of heights you...
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