Grandfathering, what is Grandfathering. The past two weeks I have heard the phrase “grandfathering” a few times with respect to septic systems. First of all I’ll explain the term. According to Wikipedia, a grandfather clause is a provision in which an old rule...
In my business I often come across issues with the homes I inspect as you can imagine. Most of the time these “issues” are things that I flag for my customers so they understand what is wrong or will soon be wrong with the home if the problem is not repaired. Most of...
If you are like me, a barbequed steak is a true summer treat. It is a time to gather in the great outdoors with friends and family. There is just something about cooking outdoors that is kind of neat and the taste of food cooked over open flame is the best. Of course...
A well documented renovation /repair is worth its weight in gold when its time to sell your home. As a home Inspector I see things all the time that concern me. In order to do my job I pass these concerns on to my clients. This week I came across a home that had...
Recently I decided to purchase a sewer camera and line locator. In all my years as a home inspector I have cautioned people on the risks of tree roots in the sewer line. After using the sewer camera I am learning that tree roots are only one possible issue with sewer...
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