1 DIRECT DOWNSPOUTS OUT AWAY FROM THE HOME. All downspouts should be at least 8’away from the foundation wall. We see a lot of leaky basements as a result of downspouts draining next to the home. 2 CHECK YOUR SHINGLES ON A REGULAR BASIS It is vital that the shingles...
Tips for the seller: With so many homes on the market sellers need to develop strategies that will set them apart from other home sellers. Having a pre-sale inspection is one of the greatest advantages you can have in a slower market. Prospective buyers will be drawn...
Mold requires moisture to grow. This moisture can form when the outside elements make their way in (intrusion) or when the inside air tries to get out (condensation). The picture of mold in this situation is from condensation. Upon discovering the mold the homeowner...
Recently I came across what is known as alligatoring paint on wood siding. I thought the problem might have been due to using the wrong type of paint but a quick call to Pat at Border Paint soon cleared up the real issue. Pat said that what happens is that after many...
Common bench seating structures (like brackets found at your local building supply stores) are not designed to be on decks higher then 2′ off the ground according to local building standards. The bench seats are actually considered “a climbing...
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