9 Tips for Using a Wood Stove Safely and Efficiently

9 Tips for Using a Wood Stove Safely and Efficiently

A wood stove makes your home warm and inviting, especially during chilly months. To get the most out of it and stay safe, it’s essential to know how to use it properly. Here are some straightforward tips to help you enjoy using your wood stove to the fullest. Pick the...
5 Tips for Fire Safety in the Home

5 Tips for Fire Safety in the Home

Fire is one of the most devastating events that can happen to a home. A fire can break out at any time with little warning and threaten your belongings, the house, and the lives of your family. Fire safety should be an important consideration as a homeowner. These...
6 Ways to Prepare Your Fireplace for Use

6 Ways to Prepare Your Fireplace for Use

If you have a fireplace in your home, follow these steps to prepare your fireplace for use before building your first fire of the season. Have the Chimney Swept The first step to take to prepare your fireplace for use is to call a chimney sweep for a cleaning....

I have had a wood stove for twenty years in my old home. I recently moved and the new home has a wood stove as well. I am concerned about the type of chimney and how it is installed. How can I determine if the chimney is rated for a wood stove?

The best way to tell if the chimney is the right type is to look for a label. Usually the installer will buy a package with the stove and matching chimney. The stove label may state which chimney is recommend but not always. The chimney for a wood stove must be rated...