Does your Home contain Lead Paint? Is it making your Children sick?

Until recently I always thought of lead paint poisoning  as a plot by people in plush carpeted rooms in a high rise building with nothing better to do then scare the rest of us into a cave where we could find safety from the world. For those of you reading this you...

Try to avoid the Avalanche of Snow

It’s that time again and the winter white stuff has arrived all too early in my opinion. With the snow comes some hidden hazards that I thought I would bring to your attention.  We all understand the weight of water but most of us think of snow as being light and...

Changing a low voltage razor plug to a GFI

  If you live in an older home chances are you will have a razor plug in you washroom. I would say about 40 % of the older homes I inspect will have a low voltage razor plug in place. There are several issues with these plugs which I will discuss below.   I...

How thorough should an inspection be?

The inspection business can be political at times. Ok lets be honest, it is usually political to some degree. Perhaps political is the wrong word.  Lets say controversial.  Often times a home inspector will discover issues in a home that are hidden and unknown to the...