I live in the country. My septic field is under a hill in the yard. How does this type of system work?
This sounds to me to be a mound system. Most of the time our septic fields are placed in the ground but sometimes the ground in our yards is not suitable for draining away the water in our waste water system. Most of the time this is because the water table is too...
I am building a new home in the country. What design consideration must I be aware of for the septic system?
New rules in the past ten years or so have made designing an onsite waste water system a bit of a science. Here are some general things I would consider if designing a system for you. Using your house plans the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and people in the home...
How do I know if my septic system is up to code?
The best way to check if the septic system is up to code is to call the local authority having jurisdiction. This person or body will inspect what you have and let you know. Having said that, this person is likely to force you to upgrade the system if it is deficient...
I moved to an acreage and have had nothing but trouble with my septic tank pump out line freezing. How do I stop this?
Over the years I have had my fair share of this type of frustration myself. One problem I found was that my electrical ground fault was tripping when the pump in the tank started. Years ago the electrical code required that the electrical connections to the septic...
I live in an older home. My son’s bedroom is in the basement. He has been sick a lot since we moved in. Someone suggested we might have mold, what now?
Mold is a dreadful word to a lot of homeowners. The first sign of a cold and some people think it is their home that is causing it. Having said that it very well could be an allergy to mold that is causing your sons issues. First things first, only you know how...
: I noticed a bounce in the floor of my living room recently. We just had a new furnace installed. Do you think the two are related?
The floor structure is only as strong as its weakest link. If the furnace installers cut a floor joist to install some duct work it is likely the cause of the bounce. By cutting out more then 1/3 of the floor joist you can weaken it to the point that it cracks and...
: I live in an older home. Recently I had my pipes freeze under my kitchen sink. Why might this happen and how can I prevent it in the future?
In older homes the heat source in the kitchen was often placed on an inside wall because it was easier. Today we place the heat source primarily on the outside wall under or near the windows or doors. By not providing heat near the sink in some older homes you often...
Parts of my home are cooler than others. I have vents in every room but they do not all preform equally well. How can I direct the heat to where I need it most while not overheating other rooms?
There is a science to the duct work in a furnace distribution system. For instance, if you vent a duct off the end of a plenum you will get more heat than taking the same vent off the side of the same plenum line. This is usually not something you have control over so...
I noticed my bathroom vent is venting into the attic space. I was told this is not good can you explain?
Adding warm moist air into a cold attic is not a good idea as the change in temperature causes the air to condense when it reaches its dew point. This condensation can accumulate on surfaces and cause rot or enough moisture to form running water that will run onto the...
I have frost in my attic, what causes this and how can I fix it?
Frost development in an attic is the result of heat that is moving up through the insulation into the cold attic. More often than not you may find that the heat is coming from a vent that is pumping warm moist air into the attic. On extremely cold days or days of vast...
There is a switch above my thermostat in the hall. I was told this is for a principle house fan. Can you explain when I should use this fan?
The principle air fan or whole house fan is an inexpensive air exchanger. Most of the time this fan is located near the furnace but pulls air out of the home from a central location in the upper level of the home. Here is the premise of how it works. When you have...
I was up in my attic recently and noticed I have about 6″ of insulation. Is this adequate for our climate?
The standard depth of insulation varies depending upon the type of insulation. If your attic has spray foam for instance it may only be 3.5” and have same R-Value as an attic with 14” of blown in fiberglass. My recommendation is to check to see what the R-value per...
I need to install a Vent fan through my attic and roof. I have been told I should create a trap in the vent line to collect water from condensation. Is this the best approach in our cold climate?
I see this approach a lot in Lloydminster homes. I am not sure if only one or two contractors do this or if several contractors do it. My belief is that this approach is not a good idea as the trap will work to collect moisture but it will also freeze solid and block...
Once in a while I have leaks around my kitchen range hood. I am wondering if my shingles are leaking?
Leaking around any vent is usually due to frost formation and thawing. Without proper insulation the venting system will frost up when the warm moist air enters the cold attic space. On a warm day this frost will melt inside the vent line and run back down into the...
Sometimes I smell sewer and it seems that the drains are slower. What might be causing this?
It is not often that you will smell sewer in your home in the city. I have however come across a couple situations where conventional thinking did not find the source of the smell. My normal procedure is to check the traps in the basement floors as it is likely they...
I was recently up in my attic and found an old type of wiring I have never seen before. There are glass pieces the wires are threaded through and the wires look smaller then wires we use today. What type of wiring is this and is it safe?
You are looking at an old type of wire called knob and tube. I could be wrong but I don’t believe there are any regulations that say it must be replaced. Having said that I can say insurance companies do not like it as it is a higher risk for fire then our newer lumex...
I smell burnt wires sometimes in the area of the panel. What would cause a wire to get hot and smell?
If you small hot burning wires you likely either have a loose connection or a load on a breaker that is not tripping when it should. Another common problem is over amping a wire by putting a light duty wire on a heavy duty breaker. For instance a 14 gauge wire is...
I just bought a house and the insurance company wants me to upgrade the panel to 100 amps. Can you explain this to me?
The electrical panel is the first point of entry for electricity into the home. Most panels have a main breaker that is designed to trip if the home uses too much power at any one time. Most panels today are 100 amp because they must feed a lot of different sources of...
Our electrical service mast is pulling away from the house. What do you suggest?
First of all whenever you are dealing with high voltage you should contact the power utility and an electrical contractor. There are just those jobs that are not well suited to the do-it-yourselfer. The problem with this type of repair is that it must be done live...
I live in a 1950’s home with old double hung windows. The windows are painted shut and a few are broken. We have saved and are ready to upgrade the windows but are not sure of the best approach. We have lathe and plaster inside and stucco on the outside.
I have replaced windows like the ones you have described. I wish I had understood the difficulty of the job before I started. Here is my advice to save you time and money. As you describe the wall components I know how fragile they are and how difficult it is to...
I bought an older home built in the late 80’s. The windows are all operable but they are the wooden style. I am considering replacing them with newer vinyl windows, would you advise this?
Here is how I usually advise my clients. If the old wooden casements are in good condition that is they open and close properly and are not broken or rotten, I say they should be fine for a while longer. Most people think the new vinyl window is going to save them...
I have a certified wood stove but I can’t get enough clearance to the wall. Can you explain a little about shielding the wall to reduce the clearances?
There is a provision in the B365 part of the code for reducing clearances on wood stoves. This provision is called shielding. To comply, a wood stove must meet certain clearances from the closest walls. If the label says the stove needs 15” of open space behind it and...
I have an older home that has a dug out basement. Are there any special precautions I need to know about to prevent problems with this type of basement?
Most of the dugout style basements I come across have a perimeter type footing that holds the home up and an inside half wall that holds the dirt back in the basement. Much of the time the inside half wall is leaning inwards due to the pressure of the soil. On several...
I have a lot of ice on my concrete walk way in the spring. Is there a type of ice melt you recommend?
The best approach to removing ice on the walk is to never let it get there in the first place. If you have a downspout that drains onto the walk you should redirect the water overhead so it drains on the grass on the far side of the walk. Put a post in the ground and...
What is the best and cheapest way I can protect my basement from moisture intrusion?
Regardless of the type and style of basement you have you need to do two things to help control water around your home. First make sure you have a positive slope away from your home. Preferably use clay to create a slope and then cover it with top soil. The slope...
My insurance company wants me to get a WETT inspection on my wood stove. Is there a way I can tell if my stove is certified?
I have inspected close to a thousand wood stoves and fireplaces and installed half that many. Here is what I ask potential customers to check. First of all if the stove has a label, take a picture of it. The same is true of the chimney. I generally can tell from...
I have had a wood stove for twenty years in my old home. I recently moved and the new home has a wood stove as well. I am concerned about the type of chimney and how it is installed. How can I determine if the chimney is rated for a wood stove?
The best way to tell if the chimney is the right type is to look for a label. Usually the installer will buy a package with the stove and matching chimney. The stove label may state which chimney is recommend but not always. The chimney for a wood stove must be rated...
I live in an old house which I have fixed up a lot. I find it very drafty and can even see frost lines around the old windows where the wind blows in. Will changing the windows fix the problem?
It sounds like you may have a pressure problem. That is to say you have a lower air pressure inside the house then on the outside. One common problem I come across is a lack of fresh air in the furnace room. Sometimes people install a new furnace without introducing...
I have a wood stove in my basement that is hard to get lit without smoking us out of the home. Can you explain why it smokes in the house and how I can prevent this?
Wood stoves and chimneys can often smoke because of draft problems. Draft problems are usually related to how the chimney is designed, if it is located primarily outside it is usually cold and provides no natural draft. When you open the door on the stove cold air...
I have an older fireplace that is very drafty. I rarely use it but I like to have a fire during the holidays. Can you suggest some approaches to reducing the drafts?
It depends upon where the drafts are coming from but in most cases the cold is coming down the chimney. There is a draft control on the front of the fireplace that opens and closes a flap in the chimney. Make sure this door is closed. If there is a lot of cold air...
I need to replace the lights in my bathroom. Are there any types of lights that you would not use?
A common problem in bathroom lighting is using too big of lights in fixtures and placing these lights too close to the ceiling. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen the paint burnt and blistered on the ceiling above a bank of lights over a mirror. Using the...
The linoleum near my patio doors is curling. I have tried to caulk it back down but it just happens again. How do I fix this?
Many patio doors are installed with a slanted threshold to move the water out away from the door. The problem is when there is a wind some of that moisture is driven in under the threshold where it comes into contact with the edge of the lino. When the linoleum gets...
I am seeing some discoloring of my flooring in the living room. What are some things that could be causing this?
From my experience I see a lot of discolored flooring due to direct sunlight exposure. Generally linoleum and hardwood floors are affected the most by the sun. My guess is that the damage is in a living or dining room with a set of patio doors or floor to ceiling...
I have a couple doors in my home that swing open on their own. What causes this and can you suggest a way to fix it.
Most of the doors we install inside our homes today are very light duty. We call them hollow core doors. The frames on these doors are also light and it is easy to twist them when installing them. By simply over tightening a screw in the frame you can pull the entire...
Why should you install to the manufacturers instructions?
A quick view of this radiant heater might not look like anything is amiss. In this case I noticed the missing heat shield. Knowing the critical importance of this shield to diflect the heat away from the ceiling I decided it would be a good idea to check with...
What is so special about a thermal camera?
Here is a home that has a hidden block wall that was not fully insulated, without the thermal camera it would have never been detected and the customers heating bill would be high with no explanation. Everything looks normal with the naked eye. ...
Why is it important to insulate the rim joist.
Here is a very common problem that is often not easilly fixed. This home has not been insulated along the sill plate where the main floor rests on the basement wall. As you can see from the thermal image there is a lot of heat loss from this area (dark orange...
Whats wrong with my eaves troughs?
The downspout in this picture is plugged and has been for some time. As a result the eaves trough has been overflowing for some time and has rotted out the soffit. Chances are the outside corner of this home is also moisture ladden. These kinds of issues can...
How do trees affect my roof?
Tree branches rubbing on shingles here are a bad combination. Here is a photo of the results of a few years of the action of the wind in the willows so as to speak. You can see the difference between where the shingles have been worn by branches and where the branches...
Why is my roof sagging?
This photo shows a transition point where two rooflines come together. The resulting valleys that are created here have to be constructed to withstand the extra snow load in these areas. In this case the valleys have sagged considerably and an abnormally heavy...
Why do I have mold?
This is the case of a very severe mold development. Hopfully someone would move towards getting this issue cleaned up before it is allowed to go this far. The problem with mold beyond the obvious look is the effects of mold spores on the body. Most of us have been...
Why do I have Moss on my roof?
Here is a common issue most home buyer will not be aware of until they see the damage coming trough the drywall below. The real issue here is that the wall cladding is too close to the shingles and is absorbing the miosture from the roof. The best practice is to...
What is Vermiculite?
This bag shows the name of the insulation ZONOLITE also known as Vermiculite that was used in many homes in the Midwest including Lloydminster. Most of this type of insulation in our area is know to contain some asbestos which can be harmful to Humans. ASBESTOS...
Corroded Copper pipe
If your home was built in the 60's you might have copper vent stacks. This is one example of what happens to copper when it has been exposed to sewer gases for 50 years. If you have a smell in your home that you cannot explain and you have copper vent piping, I...
My toilet is loose and rocks back and forth on its base. Do you have any suggestions for correcting this?
A tippy toilet is a cousin to a leaking toilet, if left alone it will begin to leak soon. I usually recommend tightening the floor bolts first to see if this helps. A word of caution here, do not over tighten the bolts or you may crack the base of the toilet flange...
The linoleum around my toilet is turning dark, I am afraid the wax seal is leaking. Can you explain how to change a wax seal?
Yes you are likely right about the wax seal. I have also seen sweating toiler tanks and leaking tank bolts cause wet floors so have a close look there before removing the toilet. To change the seal start by turning off and disconnect the water supply, hopefully there...
I have been given conflicting information about grout sealing my tiled shower stall. Can you explain the best approach?
I recently read an article by a prominent inspector that confused this issue as well. My understanding and opinion is that you want to initially seal the tile with a proper deep penetrating grout sealer during the install. There are many polymer type grouts out there...
I want to install ceramic tile. Someone said the preparation and base material are critical to a successful job. Can you explain?
Tile is a great product and when installed properly will last a very long time. It costs a bit more to install but the initial investment will likely out last other softer products many times over. As you suggested, the base is critical to installing tile. I am not an...
I hear a clicking noise near my pressure tank. It happens about every 2-3 minutes, what could this be?
My best guess is that the clicking you hear is the pressure switch. I assume your water pump is in the well or you would hear more than a clicking noise. Each click you hear is the starting and stopping of the pump. The fact that the clicks are close in time, 2 -3...
How often do I need to shock my well? Can you explain how I go about this?
I personally shock my well once a year to keep the bacteria count to a minimum but I have tested wells that have been ten years without a shock treatment and still had no health concerns. None the less I recommend a yearly treatment. The goal is to kill all the...
My shingles are not that old but they are curling. What causes shingles to cup and curl?
I have seen shingles that curl due to a manufacturers defect but most often the problem is due to an overheated attic space. I have been in attics that are over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. When the attic is poorly ventilated it creates an air trap and acts more like an...
My eaves have a build-up of ice. Why is this happening and how can I prevent it?
Ice on a roof can happen naturally with quick changes in the weather but more often than not the problem starts in the attic. When ice forms on the shingles near the eaves it is generally due to heat buildup in the attic that melts the snow on the roof causing ice...
Is it critical that my attic be vented, if so why.
Recently I spent some time in a very wet attic space of a new home. The problem was a lack of adequate venting. Older homes tended to be able to get away with less venting because of the type of construction as there were a lot of drafts throughout the home, newer...
My home has asphalt shingles. I’ve been told I should check the shingles for potential leaks, how should I do that?
First of all anytime you plan to get off the ground be prepared and don't work alone if possible. On a low slope roof I generally climb on the roof if possible. Getting a top view of the shingles and roof penetrations is best but if you are afraid of heights you...
I’m buying a home with hot water heat. What are some things I should check on the boiler?
First of all boilers use water to distribute heat. Anyone who has been a homeowner for any length of time can tell you how destructive water can be. This is also true in a builder system. The water in the lines can ruin the boiler in short order. If you live in a...
There is a hinge on the door to my garage that closes the door automatically, can I remove it?
It's your house so you can basically do as you please, but before you do you should understand why the self-closure rule is in place. There is a possibility that this door will be left open without the loaded hinges. The problem with this is that the door is a safety...
My garage door reverses all the time. Is there a way to correct this?
Yes and it is usually not difficult to adjust. Most likely one of two problems is occurring; the door is either traveling too far causing a binding situation or the down force is set too light. Both of these conditions can usually be corrected by making small...
I have a 16′ wide garage door. Recently the door has been binding and does not open properly. I notice it bends a lot when it first opens. What should I do?
One thing to remember is that these wide doors are heavy and require several components to work in tandem to ensure proper and smooth operation. In general when the opener begins to pull the door up it puts a tremendous amount of force on the top center panel. Usually...
How far out should my garage heater vent through the wall?
I often see large accumulations of frost under the garage soffit where the heater is vented. It is important that the warm moist air that is coming out of the heater vent is not entering the attic space through the soffit. If the vent is too short, the warm air rises...
How often should I clean or replace my furnace filter?
That depends on your conditions. I always say don't fix it if it isn't broken. Normally I would say the filter should be changed every two to three months. The exception is if you are renovating or have pets and carpets etc. Sometimes the filter needs cleaning in less...
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