The Furnace Emergency Switch

I wonder how many people reading this can remember a time when someone mistakenly shut off the furnace switch in their home. I have a pet peeve when it comes to this common mistake. Years ago as I recall, the furnace switch always had a red cover and was labelled...

Get your sump pump ready for spring.

For anyone who follows my blog you will know I have some concern about this year’s runoff due to the high volume of snow we have received this year. In this issue I want to talk about sump pumps. For some homeowners the sump pump is a critical component in the home. I...

Hey Mr. Contractor, are you incompetent or just lazy?

I realize the title is a bit harsh but I wanted to drive home the point that many contractors are really dropping the ball these days. Now I don’t want to come across as a smart aleck or a know it all, as this would be totally wrong. I do want to talk about some...

How often should a home be inspected?

Client asks; The home I am going to buy was inspected by the sellers two years ago so should I get it inspected now? This is a question I face from time to time and this week I came across a situation that confirms that you should always have an inspection regardless...